package ntlmssp

Import Path (on

Dependency Relation
	imports 16 packages, and imported by one package

Involved Source Files authenticate_message.go authheader.go avids.go challenge_message.go messageheader.go negotiate_flags.go negotiate_message.go negotiator.go Package ntlmssp provides NTLM/Negotiate authentication over HTTP Protocol details from, implementation hints from . This package only implements authentication, no key exchange or encryption. It only supports Unicode (UTF16LE) encoding of protocol strings, no OEM encoding. This package implements NTLMv2. unicode.go varfield.go version.go
Package-Level Type Names (total 2)
/* sort by: | */
Negotiator is a http.Roundtripper decorator that automatically converts basic authentication to NTLM/Negotiate authentication when appropriate. RoundTripper http.RoundTripper RoundTrip sends the request to the server, handling any authentication re-sends as needed. Negotiator : net/http.RoundTripper
Version is a struct representing NTLMRevisionCurrent uint8 ProductBuild uint16 ProductMajorVersion uint8 ProductMinorVersion uint8 func DefaultVersion() Version
Package-Level Functions (total 5)
DefaultVersion returns a Version with "sensible" defaults (Windows 7)
GetDomain : parse domain name from based on slashes in the input Need to check for upn as well
NewNegotiateMessage creates a new NEGOTIATE message with the flags that this package supports.
ProcessChallenge crafts an AUTHENTICATE message in response to the CHALLENGE message that was received from the server
func ProcessChallengeWithHash(challengeMessageData []byte, user, hash string) ([]byte, error)